(001) The First Step Towards Self-Improvement and Earning Wealth In Islam

Is Your Foundation Strong?

read time : 4 minutes

Today At A Glance

  • It All Begins With The Correct Intention

  • Purify Your Source Of Income

  • The Lineage Of The Best Of Creation

It All Begins With The Correct Intention

“You Alone We Worship And You Alone We Ask For Help.” (Quran 1:5)

The very first principle a muslim must address when looking to improve in any aspect of life is to realise that it should be done with a noble intention. When done for the sake of Allah, this endeavour becomes an act of worship. This verse (1:5), we recite several times a day, reminds us of sincerity and purifying our intention.

The second half of the verse teaches us to ask Allah for help. As you embark on this amazing journey of personal development and learning life-lessons from The Quran, bear in mind that it is only the Creator alone who can bring about the change you desire.

Be close to him, Beg of Him, Do That which pleases Him, Stay away from that which angers Him and be amazed at the goodness that comes your way.


Ask Allah To Help You On this journey and do it for His sake.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The First Man To Accept Islam Was Abu Bakr R.A

The First Woman To Accept Islam Was Khadijah R.A

The First Child To Accept Islam Was Ali R.A

Purify Your Source Of Income

The Messenger ﷺ said:

“A time will come upon the people wherein a person will not care how they earn wealth, whether it’s halal (permissible) or haram (impermissible).” [Bukhari]

Allah has created different trials in life. One of them being ‘the pursuit of wealth’. This hadith is a warning for every believer to earn wealth through the channels that Allah has made permissible.

It also serves as a reminder that society will lose certain values that they once held onto. An upright believer leaves that which is impermissible even if the majority of people may be doing it. 

As you pursue your livelihood, try to keep the source of your income pure and pleasing to Allah.


A Little Wealth Which Allah Blesses Is Better Than A Lot Of Wealth Devoid Of His Blessings.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The Name Muhammad ﷺ Is Mentioned 4 Times In The Quran

The Lineage Of The Best Of Creation

The Messenger ﷺ said:

“None Of You Truly Believe, Until I Am More Beloved To Him Than His Children, His Parents And The Whole Of Creation” [Bukhari]

When a person truly loves another person, they pursue every detail of their life. Their sayings, teachings, attributes and every attainable piece of information related to them. Our beloved Prophet, Muhammad ﷺ was the best of creation. He was chosen by Allah. As believers and those who follow his way, we are required to learn about his life, teach it to others and follow his example.

He ﷺ had the best and most noble lineage. He Is:

Muhammad ﷺ

son of Abdullah 

son of Abdul-Mutalib 

son of Haashim 

son of Abdu-Manaf 

son of Qusay 

son of Kilaab 

son of Murrah 

son of Ka’b 

son of Luay 

son of Ghalib 

son of Fihr 

son of Maalik 

son of Nadhr 

son of Kinaanah 

son of Khuzayma 

son of Mudrikah 

son of Ilyaas 

son of Mudar 

son of Nizaar 

son of Ma’d 

son of Adnaan

His lineage up to Adnaan is authentically proven. However, his lineage from Adnaan up to our father Adam A.S is mentioned by some but not authentically proven. We do know that Adnaan is from the progeny of Prophet Ismail A.S who is the son of Prophet Ibrahim A.S.

Two prominent reasons mentioned by the scholars as to why the Messenger ﷺ had the best lineage:

  1. The Arabs only listened to those who had noble lineage. Allah chose The Messenger ﷺ to have the best lineage so the arabs would not use this as an excuse to reject his message.

  2. Nobody could accuse the Messenger ﷺ of using prophethood in order to elevate his social standing in society. He already had the best lineage.


Allah chose the best lineage for our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Alhamdulilah,This is the first publication. If you’re reading this you’re definitely a reader and a person interested in increasing their knowledge.

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



In Case You Missed It

Last Friday’s Jumuah Talk. We spoke about Financial Rights