(002) Seek Out Good Role Models And Be Financially Independent

Worship, Wealth & People

read time : 3 minutes

Today At A Glance

  • Dua & Role Models

  • Eat From What You Earn

  • The Birth Of The Messenger

Dua & Role Models

“Guide Us To The Straight Path. The Path Of Those Whom You Have Favoured, Not The Path Of Those Who Have Earned Your Anger Or Gone Astray” (1:6;7)

When looking to improve, a person requires guidance from Allah and good role models. Guidance is from Allah alone. This includes religious guidance as well as being guided to everything that is beneficial. 

In verse (1:6) Allah teaches us to ask Him for guidance. Ponder over this dua as well as the verses prior to it. We began by praising Allah, acknowledging who He is, calling out to Him by His Great Names and Attributes, acknowledging our weakness as human beings, affirming that He alone deserves to be worshipped, and only after praising Him, we ask for the guidance we require. 

These verses teach us an important etiquette of dua. Start off by praising Allah before asking Him. It’s not compulsory, but highly recommended.

In the next verse, Allah informs us that there are two groups of people. Those who have been guided to the straight path and those who are misguided. From this verse we derive the importance of good role models when it comes to guidance as well as any noble endeavour. Look at those who’ve already achieved what you’re hoping to achieve and follow their footsteps. Avoid those who are bad role models and call towards evil.


Ask Allah For All Your Needs, Seek Out Good Company & Hold On To Them.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The Only Sahaabi (Companion) Mentioned By Name In The Quran Is Zayd Ibn Haaritha (R.A)

Eat From What You Earn

The Messenger ﷺ said:

“Nobody eats food better than the food they earn with their own hands, and Dawud A.S would eat from what he earned with his own hands.” [Bukhari]

In another narration:

“Nobody earns wealth purer than what he earns with his own hand.” [Ibn Majah]

This hadith teaches us the importance of independence and self-sufficiency. A person who is able and capable should eat from what they earn and should not be reliant on others.

We also learn that there is nothing wrong for a person of knowledge or somebody respected to go out to earn. If a prophet of Allah who was a king could do it, who are we to look down on others who go out to earn. In the same breath, people in these positions should not feel entitled and become lazy, such that they feel deserving of the wealth of others without working.

If your’e looking to start a business or explore any new avenue for attaining wealth in order to be independent, use this hadith as motivation.


Try To Be Financially Independent.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The Prophet Whose Story Is Mentioned The Most In The Quran Is Musa A.S. His Name Alone Is Mentioned 136 Times In The Quran.

Where & When Was The Messenger ﷺ Born?

The Messenger ﷺ was born in the blessed land of Makkah.

The scholars differ as to when exactly he ﷺ was born.

The majority opinion states, he ﷺ was born on Monday 12th of Rabi’ Al-Awal in the year known as “The year of the Elephant” corresponding to roughly 570 or 571 AD.

There are many other opinions besides the one mentioned above.

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



In Case You Missed It

Last Friday’s Jumuah Talk. We spoke about Quranic Remedies For Laziness & Procrastination