(003) Be Kind And Easy-Going

Why This Trait Could Save You From The Fire

read time : 4 minutes

Today At A Glance

  • Acknowledging Your Mistakes

  • Attaining Allah’s Mercy When Doing Business

  • Why Was The Messenger ﷺ Born An Orphan?

Be Humble Enough To Acknowledge Your Mistakes

Allah informs us that there are people who:

“When it’s said to them, don’t cause corruption on earth, they say, indeed we are reformers. Unquestionably, it is they who are the mischief-makers but do not perceive.” (2:11;12)

As human beings we need to be self-aware and realise our weaknesses and limitations. We naturally make mistakes. Acknowledging our mistakes and rectifying them is what’s required and praiseworthy, instead of being like those who refuse correction and even worse, justify their wrongdoings.

When somebody corrects you, don’t be quick to dismiss what they’ve said. It's important to internalise and reflect. Ask yourself, “Why are they saying this?”

Pondering over this question and trying to answer it opens the door of self-improvement. At times, they may be correct or partially correct and at times completely wrong. 


A Person Genuinely Looking To Improve Tries To Understand The Criticism They Receive From Others.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

In Surah Al-Mujadalah (Chapter 58), Every Verse Mentions The Name “Allah” At Least Once.

Attaining Allah’s Mercy When Doing Business

The Messenger ﷺ said:

“Allah has mercy on a person who is kind and easy-going when he sells, when he buys and when he asks for what’s owed to him” [Bukhari] 

In another narration “..when he easily pays what he owes.” [Tirmidhi]

The scholars have 2 opinions when it comes to interpreting the beginning of the hadith, “Allah has mercy on a person…”

  1. Some say, the Messenger ﷺ is making dua for a person who has these traits.

  1. Others say, the Messenger ﷺ is informing us that Allah has mercy on a person who has these traits.

From the beauty of Islam is, whatever activity a person carries out during the day, they are able to attain the pleasure of Allah, even if it may be connected to their livelihood. In Islam we are generally encouraged to be kind and easy-going as long as it is not in the disobedience of Allah. In fact, in a narration recorded in Tirmidhi it’s mentioned “The fire will be prevented from reaching a person who is close to the people, kind and easy-going.”

Strive to attain the mercy of Allah through your dealings, be an exemplary muslim and treat others the way you would like to be treated.


Good Character & Conduct Raises Your Rank With Allah And With The People

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

In The Quran, There Are 3 Chapters In A Row Wherein The Name “Allah” Is Not Mentioned. These Are Surah Al-Qamar, Ar-Rahman and Al-Waqiah (Chapters 54;55;56).

Why Was The Prophet ﷺ Born An Orphan?

We all know that the Prophet ﷺ was born an orphan. His father died while he was still in his mothers womb according to the majority opinion.

Ultimately, this was the decree of Allah. Some of the scholars mention the reasoning behind this. They say:

  1. This occurred so the people around could not accuse his father of training him in order to attain worldly power and possession.

  1. This serves as hope for all orphans who come after him. An orphan’s dreams and ambitions can still be fulfilled even though they may have started life with a perceived disadvantage compared to others.

Always remember, It is Allah who has decreed the conditions of every living creature. You will not be asked about things you did not have a choice about. In the same breath, if you’re going through difficulty and hardship, take inspiration from those less fortunate than you who live blissfully and do not allow their condition to hinder their progress towards achieving their goals.


If Somebody Else Has Overcome The Obstacles You’re Currently Facing, So Can You.

I’d like to thank all those who gave their feedback last week with regards to increasing the frequency of the newsletter. I think for now we will keep it at once a week, however we will increase the segments ever so slightly in the future while maintaining the read time to 5 minutes

إن شاء الله

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



In Case You Missed It

Last Friday’s Jumuah Talk. We spoke about 2 Keys To Attaining Your Goals