(004) Why You Must Carry On Learning

The Lifelong Journey & Blessing Your Transactions

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Today At A Glance

  • Learning Is A Lifelong Journey

  • Attaining Barakah In Your Transactions

  • Names Of The Messenger ﷺ

New Booklets + Q&A

Assalamualaykum. Before getting into this weeks newsletter, we’ve been working on a few booklets. The series is titled “Ten Of The Best”.

In sha Allah, the online version of the first booklet will be ready next week. Don’t forget to check your email.

I’ve noticed that a lot of you ask questions which are generally lost in live videos, comments and DM’s. Due to the scattered nature of these questions it’s impossible to go back and follow up. I’ve decided leave a dedicated link at the end of the email. Use It to submit your questions. In sha Allah I will try to make a video answering your questions.

“Ten Of The Best”

Why You Must Carry On Learning

“Allah taught Aadam (A.S) all the names…” (2:31)

In this verse Allah informs us that He taught our father Aadam A.S all the names. Some of the scholars mention that he was taught the names of every single thing. Allah then asked the angels to name these things and they responded by saying, “Glory be to you O Allah, We have no knowledge except what you have taught us.” Allah then tells Aadam A.S to inform them. 

Look at how our father was raised above the angels due to the knowledge given to him by Allah. He was able to answer that which they could not. 

Learning is essential to becoming a better person. Beneficial knowledge as well as any praiseworthy skill used in a way that pleases Allah raises a person's rank in this world and the next. 

Remember, In the same way Allah taught Aadam (A.S) ALL the names, He, The Most Knowledgeable is able to teach you that which you desire. Ask of Him, make the effort and live a life of purpose by benefitting yourself and others.


Learn And Ask Him To Teach You.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The Longest Verse In The Quran Is In Surah Al-Baqarah (Verse 282). Allah Speaks About Debt And Protecting The Rights Of One Another.

Honesty & Transparency In Business

The Messenger ﷺ said:

“Both parties in a business transaction have the choice to annul as long as they have not separated. If they are truthful and transparent, their transaction is blessed. If they lie and conceal, the blessings are removed from their transaction.” [Bukhari]

The ‘choice to annul’ mentioned in this hadith is known as “Khiyar Al-Majlis”. This basically refers to both the buyer and the seller having a choice to go back on the deal as long as they are in the same gathering and have not separated. The scholars differ when it comes to applying this hadith. Their opinions can be found in the books of fiqh.

In the second part of the hadith, the Messenger ﷺ is advising both, the buyer and the seller, to be truthful and avoid deceit. It is the seller's duty to inform the buyer of any defects the product may have, including any information that could potentially deter the buyer from making the purchase if they were aware of such information. Similarly, It is the buyer's duty to be honest and transparent when it comes to payment and any matter related to the deal. 

Unfortunately, many people chasing after quick gains who do not apply these principles risk losing out on the blessings of Allah as well as their reputation in society.


Honesty & Transparency Is Always Best, Even If You May Lose Out On A Monetary Transaction

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

There Are 25 Prophets Mentioned By Name In The Quran. 18 Of Them Are Mentioned In Surah Al-An’am (Verses 83;84; 85;86)

Names Of The Prophet ﷺ

The Messenger ﷺ was known by many names. Some of these names are found in The Quran, the Hadith as well as the previous scriptures. These include:

  1. Muhammad (The one who is praised constantly/ the one who is praiseworthy)

  1. Ahmad (The one who praises Allah the most)

  1. Al-Maahi (The one Allah uses to wipe away other religions)

  1. Al-Haashir (The one who will be resurrected before the rest of creation)

  1. Al-Aaqib (The Last Prophet)

  1. Nabi ur Rahmah (The Prophet Of Mercy)

Amazingly the Messenger ﷺ is the most praised human being to have ever lived. Every muslim in the past, present and future says “SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam” upon hearing his name.

If you found this beneficial, I would be grateful if you could share it with others.

If you have a specific question please submit using the following link https://forms.gle/NpPNKk8vQt9PKzCs5

If you have any general feedback, i would love to hear it. You can reply directly to this email

See You Next Week إن شاء الله

