(005) Value What You Have + FREE Dua Book

Contentment, Marketplaces & Upbringing

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Today At A Glance

  • Value What You Have

  • Marketplaces

  • Early Childhood Of The Messenger ﷺ

New Booklet

You Can Find The Download Link To The Copy Of The First Book “10 Encompassing Duas From The Quran” At The End Of This Email

“Ten Of The Best”

Value What You Have

Musa A.S tells his people:

“Do You Want To Exchange That Which Is Better For That Which Is Less” (2:61)

Allah blessed Banu Israeel with heavenly food known as “Mann and Salwa”. Eventually, they became bored of it and asked for that which was inferior.

Two life lessons we can derive from this verse.

  1. Patience with bounty

Allah tests people in different ways. Sometimes through difficulty and sometimes through ease. Both require patience. At times people living through bliss and bounty become bored and transgress the limits not realising that this transgression may be a reason for their goodness being removed.

  1. Acknowledge what you have and be grateful for it

Due to human nature, people generally assume that they have been given very little in comparison to others. As the saying goes, they assume the grass is always greener on the other side. As muslims we are taught to be grateful with what we have by looking at those who are less fortunate than ourselves.


Ask Allah For Contentment. It’s A Feeling That No Material Can Buy.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The Greatest Chapter In The Quran Is Surah Al-Fatiha


Ibn Abbas R.A said:

“Ukaath, Majannah and Dhul-Majaaz were marketplaces before Islam. When Islam came, the muslims thought trading in these marketplaces to be sinful.

In some narrations to be sinful during hajj

until Allah revealed the verse, “There is no sin upon you for seeking the bounty of your Lord (by trading) during hajj” [Bukhari]

Two lessons we derive from this statement of Ibn Abbas R.A

  1. The importance of marketplaces for trade to flourish. In todays world these marketplaces can also be found online. Generally there is no harm for a muslim to buy and sell in physical marketplaces or using online platforms even if the owners or other participants may be non-muslim.

  2. The Mercy of Allah and the beauty of the religion. Even though Hajj is a pillar of Islam and an act of worship, Allah has permitted people to trade during these blessed days. Imagine millions of people in a place for a few days without anybody being able to buy and sell. How would they survive.


Islam Strikes The Perfect Balance Between Worship And Human Needs

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The Greates Verse In The Quran Is Ayatul Kursi (Al Baqara 2:255)

Early Childhood Of The Prophet ﷺ

It’s mentioned in some books of Seerah that The Messenger ﷺ spent a few years of his childhood growing up in the village of Banu Sa’d. His foster mother was known as Halima As-Sa’diyya.

The Arabs would send their children to the villages while they were still young for a few reasons.

  1. To keep them away from the diseases of the city.

  2. To allow their bodies to develop in a more natural environment.

  3. To become eloquent in the Arabic language.

  4. To teach them how to become independent from a young age.


Identify Activities That Help Your Child Develop Useful Skills

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



In Case You Missed It, Last Weeks Jumuah Talk Was On 4 Encompassing Duas From The Quran