(006) A Businessman With ONE Good Deed

Respond Immediately; Why The Prophets Herded Sheep..

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Today At A Glance

  • Respond To The Call Of Allah

  • He Only Had ONE Good Deed

  • Every Prophet Was A Shepherd


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Dua Books

You Can Find The Download Link To The Copy Of The First Book “10 Encompassing Duas From The Quran” At The End Of This Email

The Second Booklet Will be sent out Next Week to subscribers who have referred at least 2 people to the newsletter. Find your referral link at the bottom of this email

“Ten Of The Best”

Respond To The Call Of Allah

Musa (A.S.) tells his people:

“…Allah orders you to slaughter a cow…” [Al-Baqarah 2:67]

Surah Al-Baqarah, the second chapter of the Quran, is named after the cow that the Banu Israeel were ordered to slaughter. Instead of obeying Allah's instruction and the Messenger's command, they began to ask irrelevant questions about the cow's type, colour, and description. The more they asked, the more difficult Allah made it for them. If they had slaughtered any cow, it would have sufficed.

This story serves as a reminder for the people of the Quran not to be like Banu Israeel. When Allah and His Messenger order the believers to do something, they should obey and follow immediately.

It is feared that if a person does not obey Allah's order promptly, it may become difficult to follow it later on. Allah says, "We turn away their hearts and eyes, as they did not believe in it (the Quran) the first time…" (6:110).

Part of improving our lives is to respond to the call of Allah, His Messenger, and any good endeavour immediately. Allah says, "Hasten towards the forgiveness of Allah and Paradise…" (3:133).


The Soul Naturally Leans Towards Comfort, Ease, And Laziness. Fight Its Inclination By Hastening Towards Goodness.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The Chapters Of The Quran That Begin With الٓمٓ (Alif Laam Meem) Are Six. (Al Baqarah, Aal Imraan, Al-Ankabut, Ar-Room, Luqman, As-Sajdah)

A Businessman With ONE Good Deed

The Messenger ﷺ said:

"There was a businessman who would lend money to people. If he saw someone unable to pay back, he would tell his workers, 'Forgive and overlook, perhaps Allah will forgive and overlook us.' So, Allah forgave him." [Bukhari]

In another narration from Nasai, Allah asked him, "Did you do any good?" He replied, "No, except that I would lend money to people and tell my workers who collect the money, 'Take what's easily available, leave what's unavailable, and overlook it, so that Allah forgives us.'" Allah said, "I have forgiven you."

This hadith reminds us of the mercy of Allah. It reminds us not to look down on any good deed, as we never know which deed may be the reason for us being forgiven and entered into Jannah.

It also shows that easy-going, upright business people who conduct their business with the correct intention may attain Allah's forgiveness.


Use The Bounties Allah Has Blessed You With To Ease The Lives Of Others

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The Are Eight Chapters In The Quran Where The First Verse Begins With The EXACT Name Of The Actual Chapter. These are: (Taha, Yaseen, Saad, Qaaf, Ar-Rahman, Al-Haaqah, Al-Qariah, Abasa)

Every Prophet Was A Shepherd

The Messenger ﷺ said:

"There is no prophet who came before except that he herded sheep." When asked, "Even you, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied, "Yes, I would herd for a few qarareet (few coins) for the people of Makkah." [Bukhari]

The scholars explain some of the wisdom behind the Prophets being shepherds before prophethood:

  1. This served as training to deal with the people they would be sent to later on, as herding sheep requires patience, compassion, becoming accustomed to their different temperaments and more.

  2. This allowed them to be financially independent by being able to take care of themselves, work and earn without relying on others.


Every Challenge In Life Can Be Seen As Preparation And Training For Something Bigger Later On.

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



In Case You Missed It, Last Weeks Jumuah Talk Was On Life-Lessons From Hajj