(007) The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Strengthen Your Imaan As Well As Your Mental & Physical Well-Being

read time : 4 minutes

Today At A Glance

  • Be A Strong Muslim

  • The Entrepreneurial Mindset

  • The Messenger Before Islam

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

As the world rapidly develops and technology becomes better, it's important for us as Muslims to educate ourselves on the technological advancements that affect our day to day lives. One of these areas is artificial intelligence, and one of the biggest newsletters is The Rundown. If you're interested in learning more about AI, you can check them out. This is what they have to say

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Their expert research team spends all day learning what’s new in AI and gives you ‘the rundown’ of the most important developments in one free email every morning.

The result? Readers not only keep up with the insane pace of AI but also learn why it actually matters.

Eid Gift

Eid Mubarak To You All. Alhamdulilah, I’ve just completed the second booklet, “Ten Encompassing Duas From The Sunnah.” Initially I did say that the book will be sent to those who have two referrals, however due to so many people asking as well it being Eid I’ve attached it to the bottom of this email.

As for those who took the time to refer others, your efforts have not gone to waste. I have special invite for you to join our weekly study circles. The link will be sent in a different email. I’ll also be adding new referral rewards soon which will be sent to you. In sha Allah.

“Ten Of The Best”

Be A Strong Muslim

Allah tells Banu Israeel:

“…Take What We Have Given You [The Book Of Allah] With Strength…”

[Al-Baqarah 2:63]

The scholars mention different meanings when translating the word “strength” in the context of this verse. The meaning I want to touch on is to take it with seriousness, strive and exert your effort.

In another verse Allah tells Musa A.S, “Take It (The Book Of Allah) With Strength” (7:145)

Telling Yahya A.S, Allah says, “O Yahya, Take The Book Of Allah With Strength.” (19:12)

These verses show that a believer should be strong mentally and physically and willing to strive and exert their effort in understanding the book of Allah and practicing upon it.

In fact, in our day to day lives we are required to be strong, confident, exert our effort and complete any good endeavour to the best of our ability.

The Messenger ﷺ says: “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer…” (Muslim)


Strengthen Your Imaan And Develop Your Mental And Physical Well-Being

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The Chapters Of The Quran That Begin With A Dua Are:

Al Mutafifeen, Al-Humaza, Al-Masad. (Chapters 83, 104, 111)

These Duas Are Against Individuals Or Certain Groups Of People

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

As you read through this hadith, bear in mind that Abdur-Rahman Ibn Awf as well as the other people of Makkah came to Madinah with nothing. They left behind their wealth and belongings.

Abdur-Rahman Ibn Awf R.A said:

"When we came to Madinah, The Messenger ﷺ paired me with Sa’d Ibn Ar-Rabi’. Sa’d (R.A) said, 'I am from the wealthiest of the Ansar (People of Madinah), so I will give you half of my wealth..’ Abdur-Rahman (R.A) said: 'I’m not in need of that. Is there a market where I can trade?' He replied: 'The market of Qaynuqa’…” [Bukhari]

Abdur-Rahman Ibn Awf R.A began to trade and made enough wealth to get married and eventually became one of the wealthiest muslims.

Put yourself in the position of Abdur-Rahman Ibn Awf (R.A). What would you have done? As for Abdur-Rahman (R.A), he refused to take up the offer and rather went to the marketplace to trade. This shows his entrepreneurial mindset, his willingness to work and not be a victim of his circumstance.


At Times We Are Unable To Overcome The Problems We Have Due To Weak Imaan, Limiting Beliefs And Laziness.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The first call to the people in the Quran is, “O. People, Worship Your Lord Who Created You And Those Before You, So You May Attain Taqwa” (Al-Baqara 2:21)

The Messenger ﷺ Before Revelation

The Messenger ﷺ was respected amongst his people. Even though the majority of his people were idol worshippers and had traits of ignorance, He ﷺ was upon the way of Ibrahim A.S.

He never worshipped an idol. He was known to have the best character and conduct. He participated in that which was noble such as the rebuilding of the Ka’ba and witnessed the agreement of Quraysh known as Halif Al-Fudool (A pact to help the oppressed)

Allah protected the reputation of the Messenger ﷺ from the very beginning so his people would not have any excuse against him.

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



Eid Mubarak To You All