(008) The Best Speech

The Oath That Removes Barakah

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Today At A Glance

  • The Speech Of A Believer

  • The Oath That Removes Barakah

  • The Wife Of The Messenger

Tafsir Workshop

In sha Allah on Sunday 30th June 2024, I will be holding a live online workshop where we will be going through “The Principles Of Tafsir & The Sciences Of The Quran” (Usool At-Tafsir & Uloom Al-Quran). This will serve as a stepping stone for future workshops where we will be studying the Tafsir Of The Quran In Depth. As A Newsletter Subscriber, Use The Coupon Code NEWSLETTER To Get 35% off. Click Here For More Info

Athkaar Book

In sha Allah The Booklet 10 Encompassing Athkaar Will Be Sent Out Next Week To All Those Who Have Atleast 1 Referral.

“Ten Of The Best”

The Speech Of A Believer

Allah tells Banu Israeel:

“…And Speak To The People With Goodness…”

[Al-Baqarah 2:83]

Addressing us, the followers of Muhammad , Allah says:

“Tell My Worshippers To Say That Which Is Best.” (17:53)

From these two verses we learn the importance of good speech when speaking and interacting with people. In fact, the followers of Muhammad are ordered to have the best speech. This includes using clean language, appropriate words, a respectable tone of voice and everything else that complements a persons speech.

An unfortunate trend that has become popular today is the use of vulgar language. A believer should remember the order of Allah and avoid this. If you make a mistake and slip up, seek the forgiveness of Allah.

As for proudly using language that displeases Allah, then this is not befitting of a believer and a person may develop a habit which would be difficult to get rid off later on. It’s also feared that for every person who learnt vulgar language from them, they would share in their sin.


The Messenger ﷺ told Mu’adh, “Control Your Tongue” and he says, “O Messenger of Allah, Will we be held accountable for what we say,” He ﷺ replied, “… and do you think the people will be thrown on their faces in the fire (for any other reason) except for what they said.”

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The First Half Of The Quran Does Not Contain The Word كلا


The Oath That Removes Barakah

The Messenger said:

"The Oath Helps To Sell The Commodity, But Removes The Barakah (Blessings of Allah)” [Bukhari]

In another narration “The False Oath…” (Ahmad)

As believers we are ordered to protect our oaths. Allah says “Protect your oaths” (5:89). This firstly includes staying away from taking a false oath as well as constantly using the name of Allah for every little thing even if a person is genuine. This is to avoid constantly using the name of Allah in vain.

In this hadith the Messenger tells us, apparently the false oath may help sell the product, however it removes the barakah. Some of the scholars mention that a person when selling should avoid taking an oath even if they are truthful.

These hadith, when practised upon, strengthen the Imaan of a believer.


Strive For The Blessings Of Allah When Earning Wealth

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The last call to the people in the Quran is, “O. People, We have created you from male and female, and made you nations and tribes so you get to know one another, Verily the most righteous with Allah from you are those who have the most taqwa. Indeed Allah is Most-Knowledgeable And Most Well-Informed” (Al-Hujurat 13)

The Wife Of The Messenger

Khadija Bint Kuwaylid R.A was a respected and wealthy business woman from Quraysh. She was known to send people with her wealth to different cities in order to trade. They would return with profit and she would give them a share of it.

It’s mentioned that on one occasion the Messenger was given her wealth in order to trade. He was accompanied by a worker of Khadija R.A. Upon their return, the worker narrated to Khadija R.A. the honesty and amazing traits possessed by the Messenger ﷺ. This interested her and she requested that he approach her father/uncle in order to propose to her.

Eventually The Messenger married her. She was his pillar of support and stood by him throughout his life. She was the mother of all his children except for Ibrahim.

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



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