(009) What Is The Islamic Definition Of Arrogance

The Date Not Eaten By The Messenger ﷺ

(read time : 3 minutes

Today At A Glance

  • What Is Arrogance?

  • The Date Not Eaten By The Messenger

  • The Black Stone

Tafsir Workshop

Alhamdulilah We Just Completed A 3 Hour Workshop On Usool At-Tafsir. & Uloom Al-Quran.

In sha Allah The Next Workshop Will Be An In-Depth Study Of Surah Al-Fatiha. Date Will Be announced soon

Also, we will be launching a “Read & Write Course In Arabic” for beginners. This will be a stepping stone to a course designed to “Understand and speak In Arabic” in sha Allah.

If you’re interested in either course or workshop please fill in the form

Athkaar Book

In sha Allah The Booklet 10 Encompassing Athkaar Will Be Sent Out This Week To All Those Who Have Atleast 1 Referral.

“Ten Of The Best”

Don’t Be Arrogant

Allah tells Banu Israeel:

“…Is It Every Time A Messenger Comes With That Which Your Souls Don’t Desire, You Become Arrogant? …”

[Al-Baqarah 2:87]

Even though Isa (Jesus) A.S came with clear signs from Allah, Banu Israeel still rejected. Allah mentions that their rejection was due to the message not aligning with their desires. This in turn caused them to become arrogant and reject the message.

We should not be like Banu Israeel when we are tested with that which goes against our desires wether it pertains to the rights of Allah or the rights of the creation. We should submit to the call of Allah.

In your interactions with others, you will always face that which you dislike. Don’t allow arrogance to prevent you from correcting yourself and changing your opinion for the better.

Notice how the rejection of Banu Israeel is linked to arrogance.

The Messenger defines arrogance as

Rejecting the truth and looking down on people.” [Muslim]


Iblees (the devil) was removed from Jannah, cursed and will be punished in the hereafter due to his arrogance.

Avoid this trait.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The First Call Addressing The Prophet ﷺ In The Quran Is:

“O Messenger, Allah Is enough for you and the believers who are with you (against your enemies).” (Anfal 8:64)

Avoiding Doubtful Wealth

The Messenger passed by a date which had fallen down. He said:

"If It wasn’t Sadaqa (Zakat) I would have eaten it” [Bukhari]

In another narration “I find a date fallen by my bedding. I raise it in order to eat and then I fear it’s Sadaqa (Zakat) so I leave it” (Bukhari)

This hadith shows us how the Messenger avoided that which was doubtful even if it seemed insignificant. As we know, the word Sadaqa is also used to refer to compulsory Zakat and it was prohibited for the Prophet and his family to eat from Zakat.

Try to avoid that which is haram as well as that which is doubtful in your business transactions. At times the haram transaction is only beautified for you as a test from Allah to see how you will react.


Keep your wealth pure by avoiding transactions which are doubtful

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The last call to the believers in the Quran is; “O You who believe, Turn to Allah with sincere Tawbah (repentance)…” (At-Tahrim 8)

The Black Stone

It’s mentioned that before prophethood, the people of Quraysh were rebuilding the Ka’bah. As they neared completion, a dispute arose regarding who should have the honour of placing the black stone. Each tribe believed themselves to be the most deserving.

As they argued, a compromise was reached where the next person who entered would decide who would place the black stone. The Messenger entered. Upon hearing their argument he decided the stone be put in a cloth and the leaders of each tribe carry the cloth together towards its position. The Messenger himself then placed the stone in its rightful place.


As a leader, try to bring the people together and accommodate everybody to the best of your ability

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



Upcoming Events In sha Allah