(010) Earning Is Better Than Asking

Aim For Acceptance

(read time : 3 minutes)

Today At A Glance

  • Aim For Acceptance

  • Earning Is Better Than Asking

  • The Cave Of Hiraa

Aim For Acceptance

While Prophet Ibrahim A.S & his son, Ismail A.S were building the ka’bah, they said

“…Our Lord, Accept From US, You Are The All-Hearing, All-Knowledgeable.”

[Al-Baqarah 2:127]

Take a moment to ponder and reflect!

Ibrahim A.S, the father of the prophets, the one Allah guided and took as a Kaleel (close friend), the one Allah made a leader; he is in the most blessed land, building the house of Allah, yet he is worried about acceptance.

A deed without acceptance is effort wasted in this world and the next.

Be sincere and ask Allah to accept your good deeds. Stay away from that which decreases the likelihood of acceptance or nullifies the reward altogether.

Try your best to have secret good deeds that only Allah knows about, as these are closer to acceptance.


A Deed With Sincerity That Is Accepted By Allah, No Matter How Small, May Be All You Need To Enter Jannah.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

The Name “Allah” Is The Most Mentioned Name In The Quran appearing approximately 2700 times.

Earning Is Better Than Asking

The Messenger said:

"It is better for a man to take a rope and carry firewood on his back and sell it, than to go to the people and ask them to give him something, whether they give or refuse." [Bukhari]

In another narration “…and he gives sadaqah from this wealth..” (Muslim)

In this hadith The Messenger is driving home the importance of being self sufficient and going out to earn even if the job may be tough and the wealth may not be much.

Ponder over the example given. Gathering wood and carrying it on ones back requires time, strength and effort, yet the Messenger tells us that this is better than asking.

The wealth you earn with your own hand and through your own effort is the best wealth as mentioned by the Messenger in a hadith, so much so The Prophets of Allah were skilled with their hands and earned wealth from professions they had as mentioned in various hadith.

Notice how Allah preserves the dignity of a person when they are not reliant on others. In fact they are able to help others by giving out Sadaqa.


“The Hand That Gives Is Better Than The Hand That Receives.” [Muslim]

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

Most Of The Hadith that speak about the virtues of reading certain surahs of the quran are either weak or fabricated. They were put by people who wanted to encourage others to read more Quran. However In trying to do so, they attributed lies to The Messenger ﷺ.

Stick to that which is authentic.

The Cave Of Hiraa

Before Prophethood, The Messenger would seclude himself in the cave of Hiraa in order to worship Allah. This seclusion would be for a couple of days. Some scholars mention that he would do this for one month of the year. Upon completion he would make tawaf of the ka’bah. Even though he had not yet received prophethood, he was on the religion of Ibrahim A.S.

Closer to prophethood, the first form of Wahy (inspiration) came to the Messenger in the form of true dreams. Whatever he saw would become true and this caused him to love secluding himself in the cave of Hiraa in order to worship Allah.

Important Notes

  • From time to time it is important for a person to take out time to be alone in order to reflect and worship Allah. However this does not require going to a cave or cutting oneself off from community.

  • A person may see a dream which comes true. This could be a form of glad tiding or a warning, however there are no concrete rulings built on dreams.


Take Out Time In Order To Reflect, Refocus, Take Account And Get Your Life Back On Track. Seclusion Without Purpose May Cause More Harm Than Good.

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



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