(011) Islam Encourages Education

A Teaching Method Used By The Messenger ﷺ

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Today At A Glance

  • Teach Your Family

  • Selling Perfume

  • The First Word Of Revelation

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Teach Your Family

Allah says:

“ Ibrahim A.S and Ya’qub A.S advised their children to remain steadfast upon it (the religion of Allah).”

[Al-Baqarah 2:132]

These 2 Prophets of Allah not only submitted to Him Alone, they advised, encouraged and taught their families about the religion of Allah.

We are encouraged to work on our own connection with Allah as well as guide and impart the goodness to our family members.

Children with good values, both religious and worldly, have generally been taught these values in the home and similarly, those lacking in good morals and values have learnt these traits from the home.


The Home Is Where The First Impressions On A Child Are Formed. Make Sure The Environment Is Good.

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

“Whoever says, SubhaanAllahi Wa Bihamdih, 100 times in the day, his sins will be forgiven even if they are like the foam of the ocean”

[Bukhari & Muslim]

Selling Perfume

The Messenger said:

"The example of a good companion and a bad companion is like the one who sells musk and an ironsmith. As for the one selling musk, he will either give you some perfume, or sell to you or you will pick up a good scent (by just being in his company). As for the ironsmith, he will either burn your clothes or you will find a foul smell" [Bukhari]

This hadith is a reminder that everybody you associate with has some sort of impact on you. Merely being in their presence affects you, either positively or negatively.

In some of the books of hadith, the scholars have mentioned this hadith under the chapter of buying and selling. This is to show that selling musk is permissible and musk itself is pure.

From this hadith we also learn the importance of using examples while teaching and this was a common practice of The Messenger . Using examples when explaining a point makes it easier for people to understand.


“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” (Saying)

Islamic Trivia

Did You Know?

“La Hawla Wa Laa Quwwata illa Billah” is a treasure from the treasures of Jannah

[Bukhari & Muslim]

The First Word Of Revelation

One day, while The Messenger was in the cave of Hiraa, he was surprised by the Angel, Jibreel A.S, who came to him and said, “Iqraa” (Read). The Messenger replied, “I cannot read.“

Jibreel A.S squeezed him and said, “Iqraa” (Read), The Messenger replied, “I cannot read.“ Jibreel A.S squeezed him a second time and said, “Iqraa” (Read). The Messenger replied, “I cannot read.'“

Jibreel A.S said “Iqraa” (Read). The Messenger replied, “I cannot read. Jibreel A.S squeezed him a third time and said “Read in the name of your Lord who has created.”

These were the first verses to be revealed.

Notice how the first word “Iqra” (Read) is an order to learn and increase ones knowledge. The religion encourages you to learn that which is beneficial and to be educated especially in matters pertaining to the religion.


Reading has been encouraged throughout history. As a muslim, make time to recite and understand The Word Of Allah.

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



Last Weeks Jumuah Talk

“4 Reasons Why You Feeling Stuck And How To Overcome Them”