(012) Is Business Frowned Upon In Islam?

“Men who are not distracted by business and trade from the remembrance of Allah and establishing salah and giving zakah, …” Some have misinterpreted this verse to mean that business and trade is always frowned upon in Islam, rather...

(read time : 3 minutes)

Today At A Glance

  • You Won’t Be Asked About Them

  • Is Business Frowned Upon In islam

  • After The First Words Of Revelation

Canada Tour

Alhamdulilah, we just landed in Canada. In sha Allah we will be having events in various locations from the 24th up to the 28th. Details will be announced soon. Looking forward to meeting all of you who are here.

This weeks newsletter is slightly shorter than usual due to being on the road, however i thought it to be important to remain regular and maintain the weekly newsletter. A big thank you to all of you who read and send feedback. May Allah reward you.

You Won’t Be Asked About Them

Allah says:

“That Is A Nation That Has Passed, For Them Is What They Earned And For You Is What You Earn, And You Won’t Be Asked About What They Did.”

[Al-Baqarah 2:134]

When pondering over this verse, we see that Allah mentions it after praising Ibrahim A.S as well as Yaqub A.S and his family.

A great lesson we take from this verse is no matter what lineage we have, or who we may be related to, even if they may have been great people; at the end of the day they have their deeds and we have our deeds. Our relationship with them does not benefit us in any way. It is only our deeds that matter.

As the Messenger says in a hadith:

“Whoever is lagging behind in their deeds, their lineage cannot speed them up.” (Muslim)


A man is not one who says “my father was”, rather a man is one who says “here I am.” (Arabic Saying)

Is Business Frowned Upon In Islam?

In the chapter of “Buying and Selling”, Imam Al Bukhari has a sub-heading where he says “Doing Business On Land.” He then mentions the verse where Allah praises, “Men who are not distracted by business and trade from the remembrance of Allah and establishing salah and giving zakah, …”

Some have misinterpreted this verse to mean that business and trade is always frowned upon in Islam.

The correct interpretation as mentioned by Imam Al Bukhari in the sub-heading, He says: “Qatadah said: The people used to buy and sell, however, the moment they needed to fulfil a commandment of Allah, they were not distracted by trade until they fulfilled it (i.e. the commandment of Allah).”

Business and trade become frowned upon when they distract a person from fulfilling the commands of Allah or cause a person to disobey Allah, and this is true for other activities which are permissible.


The best generation used to trade, however their businesses did not distract them from Allah.

The Messenger After The First Words Of Revelation

After receiving the first few verses of revelation, The Messenger was frightened. He rushed off to his wife Khadija R.A. and said, “Cover Me, Cover Me!” He then said “I fear for my life”, and Khadija R.A says, “Never, By Allah, Allah will not let you down. You maintain family ties, you carry the burdens of others, you give those in need, you honour the guest and you help whenever any calamity strikes…”

Notice how the first person the Messenger goes to, is his beloved wife Khadija R.A.

Notice how she reassures him, dismisses his fears, reminds him that Allah will never let him down and mentions some of his good traits.


Comfort those in need, even if it may be with a good word especially if they are your spouse, child, family member or close friend.

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله

