(013) Travelling For Business

In the chapter of “Buying and Selling”, Imam Al Bukhari R.A has a sub-heading where he says “Travelling For Business.”

(read time : 3 minutes)

Today At A Glance

  • The Middle Nation

  • Travelling For Business

  • Dawah In Secret

The Middle Nation

Allah says:

“…We Have Made You A Middle Nation..”

[Al-Baqarah 2:143]

In this verse, Allah describes the Ummah of Muhammad as being a middle nation. The arabic word used is “wasat.” which has many meanings.

The first meaning of “wasat” is “middle”. They are balanced in all their affairs pertaining to the religion as well as their worldly lives.

The word “wasat” also means “just”. The Ummah of Muhammad stand for justice even if it may be against themselves or their family members.

A third meaning of the word “wasat” is “best.” The Ummah of Muhammad is the best nation and we should conduct ourselves in a manner that portrays this.


There Is No Extremism In The Religion. Be Balanced.

Ponder Over The Verse

Allah says: “Do they not ponder over the Quran?” (4:82)

This segment of the newsletter used to be Islamic Trivia. We’ve now changed it to “Ponder Over The Verse”. The idea is for YOU, the reader to try to extract at least one benefit/reflection from the verse mentioned. I would recommend that you record your reflections too. This is part of developing your relationship with the Quran and understanding the Word of Your Maker. I will also leave my reflection.

'‘All Praise Is Due To Allah, Lord Of The Worlds” (1:1)


The ONE whom I worship is the Lord of the Worlds. He is in control. He is the most powerful. Whatever I desire belongs to him. Why should I fear anybody else besides Him. Just pondering over His Power, Might and Kingdom removes fear from the heart, instills hope and makes me want to get closer to Him.

Travelling For Business

In the chapter of “Buying and Selling”, Imam Al Bukhari R.A has a sub-heading where he says “Travelling For Business.”

He then mentions the verse wherein Allah says:

“…Spread Out On The Land And Seek From The Provision Of Allah…” (62:10)

Ibn Al Munayyir R.A says: “The reason Bukhari mentioned this was to show the permissibility of travelling for business even if the destination is far…” (Fath Al Baari)

In the last verse of Surah Al-Muzzamil, Imam Al-Qurtubi R.A mentions some of the virtues of travelling for business and the reward of those who bring products from afar.


Business With The Correct Intention Is A Great Act Of Worship

This section used to be Islamic Trivia. Would love your suggestions on what we should change it to. If you have a suggestion, you can reply directly to this email.

Dawah (Calling To Islam) In Secret

Revelation had stopped immediately after the Messenger received prophethood and the first few verses of Surah Al-Alaq.

Thereafter a period of time passed and then the first few verses of Surah Al-Muddathir were revealed. Addressing the Messenger , Allah says:

“Stand Up And Warn” (74:2)

This was an order to The Messenger SAW to start spreading the message of Islam to the people and thus began the period wherein the Message was spread in secret. This lasted roughly three years before the order was given to convey the message aloud.


By you just being a Muslim, you represent Islam on a daily basis. Even if you’re not learned, your interactions with others are an indirect form of dawah. Make sure what they observe from you actually brings them closer to the religion.

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If you have any general feedback, i would love to hear it. You can reply directly to this email.

See You Next Week إن شاء الله



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