(014) How To Seek The Help Of Allah

Everybody goes through difficulty and hardship. We are all in need of the help of Allah. In this verse Allah reminds us of two vital pillars of support for every believer and He tells us to use them to attain his help.

(read time : 3 minutes)

Today At A Glance

  • How To Seek The Help of Allah

  • Increase Your Wealth

  • Dawah In Public

How To Seek The Help of Allah

Allah says:

“O You Who Believe, Seek Help Through Patience And Prayer, Verily Allah Is With Those Who Are Patient”

[Al-Baqarah 2:153]

Everybody goes through difficulty and hardship. We are all in need of the help of Allah. In this verse Allah reminds us of two vital pillars of support for every believer and He tells us to use them to attain his help.

The first is Patience. Remember that life is a test that has been decreed for a fixed period of time. You will go through difficulty and hardship. Allah tells you to bear patient. Understand that your patience elevates your rank, wipes away bad deeds and increases good deeds. Aren’t we all striving for this?

As for Prayer (Salah), then this is the connection between you and the Creator. How does a person expect to navigate through life without having a connection with the One who made him.

Perfect your Salah. Understand What You’re Saying, Perform It In The Best Of Manner and watch how Allah opens the doors of goodness.


There’s Nobody Who Lived A Life Free Of Trial And Tribulation. Use The Quranic Remedies Taught To You By Allah.

Ponder Over The Verse

Allah says: “Do they not ponder over the Quran?” (4:82)

This segment of the newsletter used to be Islamic Trivia. We’ve now changed it to “Ponder Over The Verse”. The idea is for YOU, the reader to try to extract at least one benefit/reflection from the verse mentioned. I would recommend that you record your reflections too. This is part of developing your relationship with the Quran and understanding the Word of Your Maker. I will also leave my reflection.

'‘The Most Merciful, The One Whose Mercy Reaches The Creation ” (1:2)


My Creator Is The Most Merciful. He Knows The Difficulty And Hardship That I Face. He Knows The Reason Why He Puts Me Through This. I Have Full Conviction That It Is For My Own Betterment Because He Is The Most Merciful, The Most Wise.

Increase Your Wealth

The Messenger says:

“Whoever would like their wealth to be increased and their life prolonged should maintain family ties.” [Bukhari]

When explaining this hadith the scholars mention two opinions.

The first is, this increase refers to barakah (blessings), hence a persons wealth as well as their life would be blessed by Allah if they maintain family ties. The concept of barakah (blessings from Allah), is found in many islamic teachings.

How many times do you find a person with halal and pure wealth, even if it is a little, being able to achieve much more than a person with a lot of wealth that was not attained through the right means. Similarly you find those who may have lived shorter lives but their positive impact remained well after they passed on, as opposed to those who lived longer yet their lives were devoid of any blessings.

A second opinion is, this hadith serves as a condition and the increase is to be taken literally and this does not contradict the concept of Qadr (The decree of Allah).

So for example, the decree could be written such that, “If this person maintains their family ties then their wealth will be increased by so much.” and because Allah is the Most Knowledgeable He knows the choice you will make.


Maintain Your Family Ties. It’s An Act Of Worship That Pleases Allah And You Benefit In This World And The Next.

Practise Upon A Sunnah

From the many suggestions I received, the most common was to keep this section as a reminder for simple Sunnahs that a person can easily practise upon in their day to day lives, so In sha Allah every week we will mention one Sunnah. As for the trivia section in sha Allah, we will add a third section later on towards the end of the newsletter.

Wiping Away The Trace Of Sleep

When The Messenger ﷺ Woke Up, He Would Use His Hand To Wipe Away The Trace Of Sleep From His Face (Muslim)

Dawah (Calling To Islam) In Public

When Allah revealed the verse: “Warn Your Close Family Members.” (26:214), The Messenger gathered his family members.

In some narrations it’s mentioned that he climbed the mountain of Safa, and shouted for his people. When they gathered, he told them, if I had to tell you of an army approaching from behind this mountain, would you believe me? They said, we don’t know you to have ever told a lie, so he said, I am a warner who has been sent to you. At this point, his uncle Abu Lahab said, May you be cursed and thereafter Surah Al-Masad was revealed.

This incident marked the beginning of Dawah, spreading the message of Allah, to the public and with it came many trials and tribulations that we will mention later on.


Begin By Rectifying Yourself And Then Those Who Are Closest To You

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See You Next Week إن شاء الله



In sha Allah Next Week We Will Be In The Uk With Light Upon Light. Look Forward To Seeing You All There.