(015) You Have To Be Tested + FREE Athkaar Book

We all go through our ups and downs in life. We have our highlights and lowlights...

(read time : 5 minutes)

Today At A Glance

  • You Have To Be Tested In Life

  • A Butcher At The Time Of The Prophet

  • Tactics Used By The Wicked Against The Prophet

The Athkaar Book Is Finally Complete, More About It At The End

You Have To Be Tested In life

Allah says:

“We Will Most Definitely Test You With A Bit Of Fear, Hunger, Decrease In Wealth, Loss Of Life, Loss Of Crop…”

[Al-Baqarah 2:155]

Allah has made this worldly life temporary and full of trials. In this verse he emphasises that trial and tribulation will come the way of every human being.

Pondering over this verse makes you realise that there is nobody who lives a perfect life free of difficulty. Nobody has it all figured out as some claim to have. In fact, the opposite is true. Everybody has their own unique struggles. Some go through more difficulty than others.

This is to remind us that we are not here forever. We have to prepare for the meeting with Allah.

Part of becoming a better muslim is to constantly remind yourself that you are here for a short period of time. There will be things that happen which are out of your control. Your job is to navigate this difficult situations to the best of your ability, hoping in the reward of Allah


Just as good times inevitably come to an end, so too do bad times. Both pain and pleasure are temporary and will eventually come to an end.

Ponder Over The Verse

'‘The Owner Of The Day Of Judgement” (1:3)


We remind ourselves of death countless times a day when reading Surah Al-Fatiha. Have we prepared to meet The Owner and Only King Of The Day Of judgement

A Butcher At The Time Of The Prophet

The Messenger says:

"A man from the Ansar named Abu Shuayb came and said to his servant who was a butcher: 'Prepare food for five people, as I intend to invite the Prophet ﷺ as the fifth of five, for I have seen hunger in his face.'

So he invited them, and a man (who was uninvited) tagged along.

The Prophet ﷺ said: 'This man has followed us, so if you wish to permit him, permit him, and if you wish him to return, he will return.' He said: 'No, I have already given him permission.” [Bukhari]

This hadith contains many benefits

  • Imam Al Bukhari R.A puts this hadith under the “chapter of what is said of a butcher” to show how this is a permissible occupation and from the companions of The Messenger were those who had different skillsets (which we will see in upcoming hadith).

  • The immense difficulty and hardship our beloved Prophet had to endure, so much so this companion could notice his hunger without being told about it.

  • The kindness the people of the Ansar showed towards their fellow brethren from Makkah.

  • If a person has been invited as a guest and an uninvited person tags along, it is upon them to inform the host.

  • The host has the right to permit or turn back the uninvited guest


If you know somebody who is suffering and you’re in a position to help, then do the good deed without them needing to ask

Practise Upon A Sunnah

Read This Dua When Waking Up

Alhamdulillahillathi Ahyaanaa Ba’da Maa Amaatana Wa Ilayhin Nushoor.

Praise Be To Allah The One Who Gave Me Life After He Caused Me To Die, And To Him We Will Be Resurrected (Bukhari)

Tactics Used By The Wicked Against The Prophet

After The Messenger began to convey the message of Allah, those who rejected his message from the people of Quraysh began to harm him. The tactics they used included:

  • Trying to spoil the strong relationship he had with his uncle Abu Taalib

  • False accusations against him. They claimed he was a madman, a magician and a sorcerer.

  • They hurled abuse and Insulted him, His Creator, his companions and his message

  • Distracting those who tried to listen to the Quran by making noise and filling their ears with falsehood

  • They physically harmed the Prophet and his companions. Some were killed and others were torchered.

This is just a summary of some of the tactics used by Quraysh.


Every person with a good message has enemies.

My Thought

We all go through our ups and downs in life. We have our highlights and lowlights.

Being away from home for the last few weeks and meeting many people abroad, I realise that we all have similar goals, ambitions and challenges in life. Everybody is trying to figure it out however, at times we don’t end up benefitting from each other due to a lack of connection, relatability and belonging.

We don’t share our experiences (both good and bad) with one another, not realising that they could be life changing for somebody else. They may be in a chapter of their lives that you’ve already passed through and the advice you could give them would be invaluable.

I’ve decided to make this section about “relatable experiences”, firstly as “Notes for Myself” and in the hope that a reader may benefit.

Following up with this, I hope to have a monthly virtual meet up, where we can discuss various topics, create a sense of belonging and strengthen ourselves as a community. It is a logistical nightmare to have thousands of people on the same call, however i think we could start off with fair number of people who are interested to join.

In sha Allah, i Will be putting that into place. In the meantime if you think this is a good idea and have any suggestions, i would love to hear.

If you found this beneficial, I would be grateful if you could share it with others. Use The Link Below

If you have a specific question please submit using the following link https://forms.gle/NpPNKk8vQt9PKzCs5

If you have any general feedback, i would love to hear it. You can reply directly to this email.

See You Next Week إن شاء الله



Alhamdulilah, The Athkaar Book Is Finally Complete

10 Encompassing Athkaar From The Authentic Sunnah

If you’d also like to download all 3 books as 1 file